Thursday, April 10, 2008

America, Land of the Money Tree?

I finished a book titled Getting Rich in America.

It talks about how fortunate it is to be born in America.
Even if you only earn $24,000 a year you can still be a millionaire by the time you retire.

$2000 a month income.
$200 to charity
$180 to save/invest.

$180 a month at 10% rate of return for 40 years is $1,053,759.91.

You work hard to plant the seed (save) and then enjoy the benefits (reap the fruit).

But what happens when you eat the fruit (spend) without planting (saving)?

It doesn't taste good/as good (you didn't earn it).
You will owe the owner of the fruit (debt).

If you never save you will always be in debt.
The borrower is servant to the lender.

You will only work to pay someone else.
You will only serve your credit cards.
You will be a slave to your home.

So save up before you buy something (earn it).

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